Large photo print of a meticulously constructed explosion sculpture. Originally the laptop I used to drag around during off-hours at high school playing games with classmates. A point in time where technology had an profound effect on my personal life beyond its obvious use.
Spanning over 2 meters high, about 1200 meters of .04 millimeter fishing wire was used to string up the smallest details, everything is built by hand over a 9 month period.
This work can be printed up to 200 x 200 cm. Please see the series overview and synopsis here.
Discord has been featured at Noorderlicht Internation Photofestival and in de Volkskrant.

This video shows the entire construction of the sculpture prior to shooting and the eventual photo into the finished piece.
The above animation is a result of indivually moving all the photographed bits and pieces and creating fluid motion. Remember, no 3D graphics were used. Anybody who buys the Discord artwork will receive a custom build version of this animation. Can be up to 20 minutes.